
How to make a course online and earn money

How to make a course online and earn money


You should concentrate on ensuring that each lesson provides a certain learning outcome while designing the course material. Remember, not just knowledge, the aim of the course should be to impart abilities.


Sell courses online to produce your expertise

Select a platform for your online course to host and earn money

The last thing you need to do after you are finished designing your online course is to decide where your online course will be hosted. On your own website, you can host the course, or you can have it hosted on online course platforms.

Although it gives you greater flexibility to host your online course on your own website, it is very complex and needs some technological know-how. We recommend that either Teachable or Thinkific host your online course. These two are some of the internet’s best online course platforms available. In terms of marketing and driving traffic to your online course, Teachable is awesome (we use teachable for all of our online courses), while Thinkific offers very useful resources to build your online course from scratch.


Phase 2: Create faith and convert them to your online courses with your audience

Don’t presume that people will just begin flocking to your course once you build your online course.

These people, whatever you teach, don’t know about your abilities or yours. You need to build trust and persuade them that you are knowledgeable about everything you teach, in order to get them to buy your online course. In order to create confidence with your audience and then turn them into paying clients for your online course, you need to:


Launching a Blog and start earning

Launching a blog in a niche linked to your online course subject does two things:

It provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your profession, create authority, and provide your audience with value. Showing how professional you are as an expert and helping to create confidence with your audience.


Get Subscribers to Email

When you have the email addresses of prospective clients, it becomes much easier to pitch your online course and potentially turn them into paying customers.

We recommend ConvertKit, an excellent email marketing platform that provides you with all the instruments and tools you need to automate your email marketing activities when it comes to creating your email list. And it’s the most user-friendly email app service, from our experience.

Run a webinar for your course to convert

The final move is to create a webinar and invite individuals to the webinar on your email list. We recommend using WebinarJam when it comes to building your webinar. WebinarJam makes it very easy to build and broadcast your webinar and offers a lot of tools to ensure that your webinar is efficiently delivered.

If you follow these two moves, you will be on your way to making a good passive income selling online courses, producing your skills in a results-oriented course, and building trust with your audience, and then converting them.

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